It's finally here. The day when, from hence forth, I am supposed to dread and deny every succeeding birthday until the day I die. Only, I don't feel any longing for the “days of my youth”. Truthfully, I am happy and relieved to have made it out of my twenties and am now, more than ever before, looking forward to what lies ahead on my path. There aren't many warning signs when you enter your twenties, to advise you that all your hopes and dreams, instead of coming true, may turn to dust before your eyes and/or veer off into scary, itchy, weed-ridden paths you'd prefer not to take. What may also take you by surprise is that some of those paths could eventually open onto breathtaking vistas. You just never know.
I have learned to be grateful for the painful experiences that have taught me valuable lessons, but also to cherish the happy times too. I know now that I am stronger than I thought, but am also very aware that life can change in an instant and nothing – not a cup of hot coffee by a sunny window, a cuddle from my dogs or a smile from my husband – should be taken for granted.
To celebrate this milestone, I've decided to take a quick look back and see what I've accomplished, compared to what I've yet to achieve:
In my 20s, I:
-met my husband
-graduated from college
-got my first “real” job
-got married
-bought a house
-got into debt
-became mom to 2 dogs
-left the rat race
-started a business
-failed in business
-succeeded in business
-became an “auntie”
-decided that my future included adoption
-began to climb out of debt
Not too shabby a list, if I say so myself. It's harder to put in black and white everything I'd like to accomplish in the next decade, but here are some of the more important ones:
-expand my business lines
-give up my part-time job
-build up my savings
-pay off all debts (except mortgage)
-learn a thing or 2 about investing
-finish the basement
-build an addition
-tackle the more challenging landscaping projects
-be more physically active
-adopt a child...or 2
-publish a children's book
Why don't you try making a “Then/Now” list of your own? It might surprise you.
1 comment:
how Interesting !!! I'm close to 30's birthday too :)! and I think I need to sit one day and put on the list what I have and what I need :)! Thank you for this post!
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