Shalom's Cottage Home Blog

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Rock Island, IL, United States
Hi, I'm Shalom. Artist, crafter, gardener, flea market enthusiast, bargain hunter, and lover of flavor. Welcome to my journey!

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Welcome, Songbirds!

In the absence of anything truly relevant to share with you, artwise (too many other necessities of life have gotten in the way of my creativity lately, filing taxes, a really dirty house, Easter activities), I thought I'd show an old favorite of mine. I painted this with watercolors a few years ago as a gift to a friend who was going through a difficult time. She has the original and I will never sell any copies, but I did scan it before I gave it to her, so I could enjoy looking at it from time to time. It was warm today, for the first time in I don't want to think how long (winter here has really been a drag this year), and the birds have been happily twittering all day. Their enthusiasm is contagious - I think I finally have enough energy to tackle a few more of those "necessities" I mentioned above and I really can't put them off any longer. The sooner they are out of the way the sooner I can get back to creating!


Unknown said...

hi, was reading some of the post here, quite insipiring and interesting too :)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful friend you are, this pieces is really lovely and just reading the passage you chose gives me comfort. Thank you for sharing this gift with us!

Sage and Daisy said...

Beautiful work!

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

That is really pretty! And with the verse on it, it becomes meaningful too. Great work!

Happy Saturday!