Shalom's Cottage Home Blog

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Rock Island, IL, United States
Hi, I'm Shalom. Artist, crafter, gardener, flea market enthusiast, bargain hunter, and lover of flavor. Welcome to my journey!

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Friday, June 20, 2014

My Bargain Shade Garden

Back in April, I promised I would share a pic of my flea market planters that I scored for just $16, once they were all filled in. Now that it's mid-June, they are looking quite lovely, if I do say so myself. The two long wooden ones sit on either side of my porch, where a blend of New Guinea Impatiens, regular Impatiens, Vinca Vine and Coleus thrive in the shade. Didn't get the big metal tub planted this year, as I had too much yardwork to do before the bugs and heatwave arrived, but there's always next year. 

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