Shalom's Cottage Home Blog
- © Shalom Schultz
- Rock Island, IL, United States
- Hi, I'm Shalom. Artist, crafter, gardener, flea market enthusiast, bargain hunter, and lover of flavor. Welcome to my journey! shalomschultzdesigns@gmail.com
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Who are the Bubble Coi?

Saturday, June 7, 2008
A Trip Down Childhood Lane...

Isn't this how everyone remembers the neighborhood where they grew up? Houses decorated in bright floral fabric patterns, pink-trimmed trees, huge blooming flowers everywhere and inviting front porches which led to doors that were never locked. And of course all our friends were always waiting in their backyards where we would spend whole summer days in another world, occassionally refreshed by a glass of mom-provided iced lemonade.
Well, if that' not how it actually happened, it sure is fun to pretend that it did, isn't it? With this watercolor and ink illustration, I hoped to capture some of that imagination that ran wild in me when I was a child and to convey a feeling of carefree, endless playtime. Childhoold goes by so fast, but when you look at this piece, you can get a little of it back again, if only for a few moments.